Jan 28, 2006 PUCL with Attila and Paul
Half year ago, in an email to Purdue University meantioned four people: two good friends who are big professors in Germany and United States respectively, one postdoc and one small rookie gradudate student.
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 22:24:53 -0400 [06/12/2005 10:24:53 PM EST]
From: J. Paul Robinson
To: Wei-Lin Bee
Subject: Re: tissue cytometry?
Priority: normal
Headers: Show All Headers
actually I am good friends with Attila tarnok who wrote hte
article and his top postdoc is currently spending 2 years in
my lab!!! And on top of that, we just got a big NIH
instrumentation grant for an imaging system - we are
considering the compucyte and some others as well.
This is failrly complex stuff - but lets see.
regards to Peter
Kind regards
Today they are getting together among their toys: three different laser scanning cytometers.
right to left: J Paul Robinson, Attila Tarnok, Dominik Lenz and me.