5-5-2006 Trip to UIUC
Right after this horrible semester ended, Moru and I drove this truck to University of Illinois Urbana Champaign for "business".
On the way to Illinois, I was so busy...I need to keep awake. See...I worked very hard.
Moru is definitely a good driver. Although he is my labmate for almost one year, I don't know his name until day before. After this trip, we became good friends. He is a fan of Phoenix Suns. He must be very excited now since Phoenix beat Lakers again and moved on to the second round. Also, he is going to graduate soon. Congratulations!!
Finally, we arrived at Research Park in UIUC...but we forgot there is one hour different between Indiana and Illinois. We are one hour earlier than expected.
Yeah, here we are..."iCyt". After spending some time, we finally got there on time...-.-
Okay, don't forget again...the 4-way cross of St. Marys Rd and Oak Ave.
After dinner, Marry an (right), Jessica (middle) and I enjoyed ice creams. Marry an is going to complete her PhD soon while Jessica has finished her qualify few months ago. I am glad to know they have a very good fellowship in the church.
See you later, UIUC. Because you are the University Tim and Peter spent few years, you are so special for me.
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